We have the capabilities and experience to provide
Design of chemical or radioactive tracer program
Injection of tracers
Collection and analysis of samples
Continuity in long term programs
Lean gas reinjection
Miscible gas injection
Sweep efficiency
Pattern imbalance
Interwell communications
Indentification of thief zones
Residual oil saturation of swept zone
Call at (216) 464-9300, -- Fax (216) 464-6141 ---- or E-Mail : sales@tracer-tech.com
pumps and compressors available for injection of moderate quantities of gas or liquid chemical tracers
single point injection of beta or gamma emitting tracers using licensed procedures
by Gas Chromatography
by GC/MS
by Gas Chromatography
tracer screening
gas, oil, water distribution coefficents
multiple beta emitters
multiple gamma emitters
multiple beta emitters
specialized nuclide identification
NORM analysis
Call at (216) 464-9300, -- Fax (216) 464-6141 ---- or E-Mail : sales@tracer-tech.com