We Are Located in Suburban Cleveland Ohio USA
Call at (216) 464-9300, -- Fax (216) 464-6141 ---- or E-Mail : sales@tracer-tech.com
Tracer Technologies International, Inc.
monitors fluid flow in reservoirs through the use of chemical or radioactive tracers.A tracer is a compatible chemical or radioactive material used at a very low concentration to monitor fluid movement.
We bring over 40 years of oil field related experience into the design and implementation of a tracer program.
We take full responsibility for the entire program to assure success.
To inquire about this service, send an E-Mail to : sales@tracer-tech.com
Tracer Technologies International, Inc.
provides laboratory and technical services to radiation installations and users. U.S. NRC and/or Agreement State regulations require leak testing of radioactive sealed sources every six months. We provide this service as well as related radiochemical analyses.We provide a leak test or wipe test kit for client use. The leak test kit and procedures are authorized by the State of Ohio Department of Health under License Number 032 251800 72.
To inquire about this service, send an E-Mail to : sales@tracer-tech.com