Radioactive Sealed Source Leak Testing
State of Ohio Department of Health licensed and approved leak test kit and procedure for leak testing of alpha, beta, and gamma emitting sources.
We can leak test several types of sources including industrial gauges and laboratory instruments.
Measurements are made on state-of-the-art liquid scintillation counter and are traceable to NIST (formerly NBS) standards.
Reminder letter sent one month before next test is due
Record sheet for required source check and inventory
Leak test certificate indicating when leak test was performed and results
of test
Computer database of test results maintained for each client and each
Leak test performed by trained personnel
Call at (216) 464-9300, -- Fax (216) 464-6141 ---- or E-Mail :
Radiation Area Wipe Analysis
Area wipes are analyzed by liquid
scintillation counting.
Measurements are traceable to NIST standards.
Radioactive Sample Analysis
Known or unknown isotope analysis of
samples by liquid scintillation counting, gamma ray spectroscopy, or gas
proportional counting.
Samples can be solids, liquids or gases.
Results are traceable to NIST standards.
NORM Analysis
Measurements are made by gamma ray spectroscopy which are traceable to NIST standards.
Call at (216) 464-9300, -- Fax (216) 464-6141 ---- or E-Mail :
(1995 Packard Instrument Model 2300)
Very low level background
Multiple nuclide analysis on same sample
60 user defined analysis protocols for quick and accurate sample analysis
Refrigerated to maintain LSC cocktail stability on difficult samples
(1992 Canberra/Nuclear Data Genie Gamma Spectrometer System)
DEC Model MicroVax 3100 based system
3 in. germanium crystal detector, Princeton Gamma Tech Model NIGC3019, liquid
nitrogen cooled
4 inch thick lead Nuclear Data Model SPG-16 shield for very low background
Gamma nuclide spectral library for unknown gamma isotope identification
Call at (216) 464-9300, -- Fax (216) 464-6141 ---- or E-Mail :